Beliefs and Commitments

HVC Commitments

These core commitments inform everything we do at HighView. Our core values shape how we make disciples.


We are shaped and informed by the gospel.

Authority of the Bible

We are ruled by God’s word in all things.

Expositional Preaching

We read the Bible, explain the Bible, and apply the Bible.

Christ-Exalting Worship

We gather together to make much of Jesus.

Covenantal Community

We are a family of faith, fully committed to one another.

Equipping the Saints

We train and empower disciples for ministry.

Missional Multiplication

We are sent to share the gospel and plant churches.

Loving Our Community

We live intentionally for the good of our neighbor.

Joyful Generosity

We love to give our time, talents, and treasures.

Excellence in all things

We aim to glorify God with everything we do.