Make Disciples

Helping others to Know Jesus, Love Jesus, and Obey Jesus.

Why Make Disciples?

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18–20

Discipleship Spaces


Regularly gathering for congregational worship is God’s primary discipling tool for every follower of Jesus. Every disciple of Jesus will regularly gather to sing the Gospel, see the Gospel in the Lord’s Table and Baptism and hear the Gospel preached. At these gatherings the entire church meets to “stir one another up to love and good works”.


Followers of Jesus have historically met in small groups of men and women for the purpose of discipleship for 2000 years. Gospel Community Groups provide this “living room” disciple-space where these connections are established and where accountability can flourish through confession and encouragement.


Sound doctrine and biblical teaching is the life blood of discipleship. Theological education and training provides disciples with the doctrinal truths that will sustain and empower their spiritual lives. This “class-room” disciple-space enables the church to produce deep disciples who possess a proper understanding of the Biblical narrative.

Discipleship Focuses


Developing deep disciples with sound, biblical doctrine. Every disciple grasping the storyline of Scripture and the fundamental doctrines of the faith.

Biblical Studies

Equipping every disciple with a robust understanding of the both the Old and New Testament.

Biblical Worldview

Equipping every disciple with a Biblical worldview and the availability to defend the faith while living faithfully as strangers and sojourners in a post-Christian culture.

Spiritual Growth

Every disciple developing deeper devotional life with God though the regular practice of spiritual disciplines.

Church On Mission

Every disciple participating in and possessing an understanding of the centrality of the church in the mission of God.

Join a Group Now

Followers of Jesus have historically met in small groups of men and women for the purpose of discipleship for 2000 years. Gospel Community Groups provide this "living room" disciple-space where these connections are established and where accountability can flourish through confession and encouragement.
Join us for Easter!
Good Friday, April 18 - 6 PM • Easter Sunday, April 20 - 9 & 11 AM
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