Transition Updates
HVC Elders and Pastoral Staff will share updates here and in our FAQ section. Members can also expect to receive an email notification anytime important information is added or updated on this page.
Monday, February 17:
Pastor Chad delivered the following report after the gathering on Sunday, Feb 16: Beginning March 10th, Pastor Josh Hildebrandt will serve as Interim Lead Pastor at HighView Church. The Elders will not be taking applications for this role or forming a Search Committee at this time. They will continue to lead and shepherd the church during this transition, supporting Pastor Josh and the existing staff. When the time comes, the elders will present a candidate for permanent Lead Pastor for congregational approval in accordance with HighView's Constitution and Bylaws.
Between now and then, be patient and prayerful. Your Pastors are working diligently to make the best possible decisions for HighView and its future.
Saturday, February 8:
We want to thank all our members who have submitted comments and questions utilizing the Pastoral Transition Questions Form!
Visit the FAQ section below to see what others are asking and the information we have at this time. New FAQs will be added weekly as we receive questions. We will make any announcements in this section of the page as we have more info to share. God Bless!